
Marko is a proud holder of the “Order of Two Extremes” within Tokyo – he is the youngest and strongest member of our creative studio. We mean physically the strongest – just look at those arms! Thanks to him, our web photos are intentionally in “American style” – up to the waist. We had to disprove the common belief that all IT guys are weak guys with glasses!

Together, Marko and Zoran form the web section of our studio. No less and no more than proudly, Marko will point out that Zoran is his role model. We still haven’t figured out does he mean Zoran’s workability or his unique hairstyle. Probably the latter, considering that he does not lag behind Zoran in terms of work quality, despite the age difference! The only significant difference between them you can notice is their musical taste. While Zoran’s musical role models use guitars, Mark’s uses laptops and USB sticks.

Marko lives his life to the fullest, and we can say that he has already fulfilled almost all of his dreams. Only parachute jumping and paragliding remained on his bucket list. Suppose he wasn’t so much in love with HTML code and didn’t meticulously crawl on it to perfection. In that case, we believe that he would have already fulfilled the stated wishes. Luckily for all of you, parachuting and paragliding will wait a little longer.

Marko Lacković ponosni je nositelj „ordena dvije krajnosti“ unutar Tokya – najmlađi je i najjači član našeg kreativnog studija. Mislimo fizički najjači – pogledajte samo te ruke! Zbog njega su nam web fotografije namjerno u „američkom stilu“, do pojasa. Morali smo opovrgnuti uvriježeno mišljenje kako su svi IT-jevci nejaki momci s naočalama!

Marko i Zoran zajedničkim snagama čine web odjeljak našeg studija. Marko će, ni manje ni više nego s ponosom, istaknuti kako mu je Zoran uzor. Još nismo dokučili misli li pritom na Zoranov rad ili frizuru. Vjerojatno ovo drugo, s obzirom da u kvaliteti rada niti malo ne zaostaje za Zoranom, unatoč razlici u godinama! Jedinu značajnu razliku među njima možemo primijetiti u njihovom glazbenom ukusu – dok Zoranovi glazbeni uzori koriste gitare, Markovi koriste laptope i punjače.

Marko živi život punim plućima i može se reći da je do sada već ispunio gotovo sve svoje snove. Na listi neostvarenih želja ostali su još jedino skok s padobranom i paraglajding. Da nije toliki zaljubljenik u HTML kod te da minuciozno ne prčka po njemu do savršenstva, vjerujemo da bi već ispunio i navedene želje. Na vašu sreću, padobran i paraglajding će još malo pričekati.

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